Well Registration and Reporting
The Owens Valley Groundwater Authority (OVGA) was formed for the express purpose of carrying out the requirements of the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), including, but not limited to, the development, adoption, and implementation of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The GSP that was adopted on December 9, 2021, included a program or management action to compile a more accurate understanding of the amounts and location of groundwater extraction within the Owens Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin). Subsequently, the OVGA adopted Ordinance 2022-01: An Ordinance of the OVGA establishing the regulations and procedures for the registration of owners and users of groundwater extraction facilities within the Owens Valley Groundwater Basin. The purpose of this registration and reporting program is to ensure that data describing the groundwater uses and conditions in the Basin are as complete and accurate as possible.
This Ordinance does not regulate or restrict pumping or uses. Completion of the form is voluntary for extractors that meet the definition of a de minimis extractor which means a person who extracts, for domestic purposes only, two acre-feet or less per year (an acre-foot is approximately 326,000 gallons) (CWC §10721(e)). Most single home residences with private wells are considered de minimis. Extractors other than de minimis extractors must comply with Ordinance 2022-01.
The OVGA requires that no later than April 1, 2024, all owners and users must register their groundwater extraction facilities in Inyo County that are located within the boundary of the OVGA and thereafter annually report extractions. A map is included here for reference, and OVGA’s online database and mapping tool (https://owens.gladata.com/) includes a “GSP Area” layer. A groundwater extraction facility means any device or method used for the extraction of groundwater from the Basin such as a well, including wells with pumps and those flowing under artesian pressure. Lands in Mono County are not included within the existing OVGA boundary.
The well registration form can be downloaded via the link at the top of the page and filled out electronically. Printed copies of this form are available upon request. This form to register wells and report pumping amounts will be used in the implementation of the adopted GSP for the Basin. Please fill this form out carefully and to the best of your ability for each well you own or use (i.e., one form per well). Completed forms should be submitted electronically via email to (preferred), or mailed or delivered to the OVGA address below.
For questions or assistance in completing this form: A frequently asked questions (FAQ) and a sample completed well registration form are included here. Further inquiries can be directed to: Tim Moore, OVGA Hydrogeologist.