OVGA Annual Reports

The Owens Valley Groundwater Authority (OVGA) submitted its Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in January 2022. The Draft Annual Report for Water Year (WY) 2022 (October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022) has been prepared by the OVGA and was presented at their March 14, 2024 Board meeting.  The Annual Report includes analysis of data with respect to the GSP Sustainability Management Criteria (SMC), by management area, that have been collected since the GSP was finalized.  Water-level and streamflow data for the GSP Representative Monitoring Points (RMPs) have also been uploaded to the SGMA Portal through September 2022 to align with the WY 2022 reporting period of this annual report.  RMP data contained in the Annual Report can also be accessed through the OVGA Data Management System (OVGA DMS).

FINAL WY 2022 OVGA Annual Report
DRAFT WY 2022 OVGA Annual Report

The public comment period on the draft WY 2022 OVGA Annual Report opened March 25, 2024 and closed April 26, 2024.  Written comments were accepted electronically via email to  (preferred), or mailed or delivered to the OVGA at the following address:

P.O. Box 337
135 Jackson Street
Independence, CA 93526